The world is run by short, fat, bald men who are so unhappy with themselves that they must seek out wealth and power while less financially successful individuals can actually enjoy their lives, because all that matters is appearance in this world.
Nothing that will be written here really means anything. Hi, I’m the Anonymous Public. I’m the thoughts that you honestly have but don’t say. I have plenty of my own material from my quotidian life coming your way but would be more than happy to post your own notes. In fact, I’d ideally like this to be a 50/50 relationship in which your voice gets heard. I will give you credit per post I choose to publish if you’d like that as well. Feel free to send all messages to . After all, no one’s reading, no one’s listening, and no one cares who you really are.
If you really thought writing this blog was a good idea or that anyone gives a shit about you, something tells me you're one of these pathetic men